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I founded Zack Academy in February 2009 and have grown the training company to twelve employees with a network of over 500 instructors across the United States. Three years later in 2012, I founded ROSE ARCHITECTS (I am a licensed Architect in the State of Florida) and have grown that to a steady income stream as well. 


In addition to founding numerous companies, I am now providing consulting services for all business types that are interested in streamlining operations, identifying opportunities in their served markets, and providing general consultation with one goal in mind - HELP YOU MAKE MORE MONEY. 






University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI

  • Master of Architecture

  • Attended with 100% scholarship as the ‘Albert Kahn Scholar’

    • Awarded to one new student every 2 years, based on portfolio of work

  • Graduated with Honors



University of Florida - Gainesville, FL

  • Bachelor of Design with a Major In Architecture

  • Attended with 100% scholarship from the State of Florida

  • Graduated with Honors

  • Awarded Deans list 7 times for high would have been 8 times but senioritis got me!



Employment Highlights



Founder, Architect

ROSE ARCHITECTS - Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Provide Architectural Services for a broad range of clients ranging from residential to commercial to general consulting



CEO, Founder

Zack Academy - New York, NY and Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Founded company & built team of 12 employees + extensive instructor network

  • Wrote dozens of courses on construction-related topics

  • Delivered training to thousands of adult learners in the construction industry

  • Responsible for employee management and trainers education


Architect, Project Manager

Cubellis Associates - Fort Lauderdale, FL

  • Managed LEED projects for certification as green buildings

  • Developed internal training for green training

  • Delivered training to company-wide staff of 500+

  • Architectural drafting, construction administration, & extensive project management





Pathetic Triathletes Group

  • Facebook group I created that has grown to over 50,000 members

  • Created an Etsy store with relevant merchandise and have made over three thousands sales, exclusively from free advertising techniques


Carnivore Tees

  • Another Etsy store that sells t-shirts geared towards carnivore humans

  • Completely dropshipped and automated system, literally no intervention required


Rose Strategy Group

  • Provide online marketing services for select verticals

  • General consulting for marketing, sales, biz dev, operations, and mentoring



Selected Licenses, Certifications, and Skills


  • Licensed Architect in the State of Florida, 2012

  • Certified EPA Lead-Based Paint Renovator, 2011

  • Accredited LEED AP, Building Design & Construction, 2005

  • Highly skilled in training adult learners

  • Trained over 2,500 adult learners in the construction field

  • Extensive management experience





Available on request.



Let's Talk.

3081 E. Commercial Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

To contact me via email, please use the form. It'll go straight to my cell phone like a magical lightning bolt.

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© 2018 - ∞ by Zachary Rose.

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